By not needing to setup a base station, Surveyor A had a lot less work to do in the field than Surveyor B. In addition, Surveyor A avoided potential risks such as:
- The base station battery going dead.
- The base station radio battery going dead.
- The base station being moved (e.g. cattle, wind, traffic or thieves!).
Surveyor B could have setup and packed up their base station twice, or simply left the base station at the first setup sacrificing accuracy for convenience. So what is the real world cost of performing the survey using Surveyor B's procedures over the course of a year? Well if we assume that it takes an hour to setup and tear down the base station and Surveyor B uses GPS 3 days a week, then it is simply $ 100 / hour x 3 days a week x 50 weeks a year, or $ 15,000 in lost production time!
In contrast, by using SmartNet, Surveyor A could achieve consistent accuracy for both jobs, as well as dramatically increased his productivity. No sacrifices were made.